COVID - Consciousness over Virus in Demand!


The impact of COVID-19 coronavirus has been felt worldwide now.

We all have the same concerns for our health, families, and careers. Worldwide jobs are being cut and businesses are dissolving before our eyes as everything shuts down. Is it the end of a new beginning? At this moment the truth is, that it's hard to see where the end lies, and it can feel deeply overwhelming.

I have written this blog post for you, so you know, I’m here for you and I want to help you prepare for the weeks and months to come. 

Follow me on my Instagram @ipom_official to get daily guidance!


A significant message from the universe and Devine is that THE TIME IS NOW to actively create positive change, for the improvement of all, and to nourish a new healthy and beautiful vision of our earth.

Most of us are leaving in fear right now, thinking about our own survival. We can see this very clearly when we enter the supermarkets and see empty shelves of hygiene items, disinfectors and some foods. People just buy as much as they can for their own good without considering the others. 

I have watched a few days ago a beautiful video by one of my favourite mystic teachers from India, Preethaji – OO Academy. 

Her message is: 

“The transformation has to happen now and here, it is already too late”

So, what do we mean by creating a change and transformation? 

We live in a state of disconnection. A state of disconnection is when we constantly live in fear, stress, anger, competition and superiority. 

We are damaging our planet so much, we are over-consuming, destroying oceans, rain forest and all the nature, but not because we need to survive, because for our own pleasure and power. 

For how long do you think this earth is going to tolerate all this behaviour of us?  Conducted by the Hawaii's University, estimates that a total of 8.7 million species live on the planet earth and us humans have managed to destroy it already. Isn’t it crazy?! 

The earth is doing a detox because we are destroying it and we are not useful to the earth anymore. The Coronavirus and all the other illness’s and natural catastrophes are eliminating us, so we don’t have the chance to damage the earth more. Right now, we are all forced to sit in quarantine, we travel much less if almost nothing at this moment, but we have time to think and connect through our hearts.

This is a big wake up call to all of us, to create a connection. To think about our lives and the life of our children and children’s children. 

Whoever invented this virus, was in manmade or because some Chinese were eating bats, doesn’t really matter. The success of the virus becoming a worldwide catastrophe is already here. And we humans have created it ourselves because of our behaviour and our disconnected consciousness.

As mentioned above, we live in separation from everybody around us. This separation driven consciousness has its own impact and we have constantly seen it in the world as HIV, cancer, many other illnesses and as natural climate change.

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COVID = Consciousness over Virus in Demand

 It is time to awaken now, we can't continue living our life from a disconnected state of consciousness. The more we live in fear, anger and disconnection the more we are destroying our beautiful earth, ourselves and our future. 

Every single one of us is connected, there is electromagnetic energy around our body and there is also electromagnetic energy around the earth. So, all of us, billions of people are connected together, and this is what is called collective consciousness. It is proven, that if you can influence the belief of billions of people just by telling them a special story, then you can keep people in a certain state of consciousness on the planet.

When people are disconnected, that means being in fear and stress, they are very easy to control and easy to influence.

So why not practising more love, gratitude and compassion when it’s needed the most right now!?

If we're truly looking for a more peaceful and joyful world, full of love and happiness, if we truly intend to create a beautiful world for our children for our grandchildren, then the transformation has to happen now and here, it is already too late! 


For now, to keep your mind, emotions health and mood safe I would recommend: 

1.    Eat healthily and cook creatively at home.

2.    Do some exercise at home, there are so many online programs, that are easy to practice from home.

3.    Start journaling and write down 108 wishes that you would do if you had all the time and money in the world.

4.    Make more albums of your favourite music, lay back and listen to it.

5.    Start writing a book, that you always dreamed about to write.

6.    Nurture the time with your loved ones.

7.    Practice meditation. Again, there are so many online classes.

8.    Don’t spend so much time with TV or Netflix, read all the books that are laying on your bookshelf for years, that you always wanted to read.

9.    Write a letter of gratitude to the universe! 

10.  Get a vitamin C, Zink infusion and Ozone therapy. This will boost your immune system much better than just taking the vitamins, which is also super important! 

11. Order MyWeeklyBalance to stay even more balanced. 

12. Stay connected and kill the virus with love, gratitude and compassion! 

 If you care about the earth, yourself, the people around you and the future, please share this post on social media with your loved ones and friends. Please support me and my blog and become a channel to spread positivity and light on this planet.

DM me on Instagram or email me your comments and questions! I’m here for you to help and to guide!  

With love, your Anna

PS. Follow me on Instagram @ipom_official to get daily guidance on how to get connected from your heart, overcome fear, stress and live in love, gratitude, magic and abundance.